Thursday, February 2, 2012

a damn good stir fry

since you couldn't share it with me...

Stir Fry? Check.

pork marinated in peach cream ale and spices
(when part done, add..)
garlic, onion, celery, broccoli, carrot, green onion
(simmer and cook to all nice)
add instant stir-fry noodles
(add a few tb of H2O)
cover with pot lid.
microwave the kick-ass spicy sauce you made earlier inspired by the interwebz
slather and coat dish to your preference
serve with milk or yogurt! damn that's spicy!
and delicious.
Kinda proud of myself.
Top Chef is rubbing off
(too much...Kitchen Stadium WHY you all up in my dreams all the time?)
(and why are my friends there???)


  1. Damn, lady that looks GOOD!

    You also look hella baked ;)

  2. ...iiiitttt was 1am by the time i got 'round to eating.
    and meeebbbbbbe i was a lil baked :P
    jury is (out to lunch) on that one.
