There are certain cartoons or movies that I watched as a very young child, that heavily influenced my dreams, among other aspects of myself. Here is one example. The Lollipop Dragon. I recently, after years of non-intense searching, found this movie on youtube. It came out in 1986, though I must have watched it at least 2 years after that. Anyways, until I re-watched it, I had distinctly remembered it being a mix of animation and real actors. Obviously, this was a delusion, probably stemming from a dream that I remember clearly, to this day. The dream feels to me like The Never Ending it was filmed and everything was...anyways, re-watching this scratched an itch I had almost forgotten I had. I recommend watching, for its trippy qualities. Has anyone else ever watched this? No one I have spoken to in the past has...
Lollipop Dragon - Part One
Lollipop Dragon - Part Two
Lollipop Dragon - Part Three
In my dream, we end up smashing down a large portion of the forest and everything gets reeaaalll psychedelic.
PS: Molly is loving her Christmas catnip :)
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