Saturday, September 17, 2011

i know i promised pictures

but you know me.
i was looking for another song but came across

wow. If I was not galiKat from now I would have been this man from the 1950's.
Can you imagine if our beach parties were more like this?!?
There are so many good dancers in that video...

Nicola and Kevin growing amazing food in Downtown St. John's, NL. I wish my memory card hadn't been nearly full when I went to say farewell before flying on back to the west coast. So yeah! You Can Do It!
This is Matthias ClearSky. He is one of the best famers around. This is only one of this man's plots, besides tending a beautiful goat herd, chickens...I am also proud to call him a friend (cider bowl!). He teaches me a lot about food production and supplies the Island with delicious foods. Here are some more pictures I took yesterday while lending a hand.

the end!

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