Saturday, December 18, 2010

going home

Christmas Holidays...where the heck did you even come from!It hit me hard on Thursday just how much has to get done and be organized before we go. Things are under control.
I've got some dates of the mejool? variety and coffee,
motivation ... whoooza bring it on!
I am going to win, Sunday!
I am going to miss my darling Molly.
I am really excited to see my Nannie.
I am going to miss all of my lady birds.

I have not yet reached the point in my life where I have the desire to spend Christmas anywhere but my Homeland. However, this year, I got the first inklings of a wish to stay right where I am, or have people come out this way instead of making the epic journey once a year.
Seriously, might as well be one of these guys.

My card-making workshop with the kids was a BLAST. We made cards, Santa and Rudolph costumes, and little gift boxes. At the end we had hot chocolate with candy canes. I believe they had as much fun as I did, and I hope they had fun at Santa's Ship. Some of them made cards to give Santa because "Santa gives US presents, so why don't we show him how much we care?".
I feel Christmas Spirit coming on.

Christmas Spirit?
Yes, I have it. In spades. I would have it all year long if everyone else went along. Not singing Christmas carols and such, but just..really. You know?

Alright, so life has been crazy.
My  laptop is janked, so no new update.
But I will have one by Monday.

I am IN Newfoundland!

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