Sunday, December 5, 2010

Lino Printing Amongst Other Things

Hello All....

My friend Peggy inspired me to do my own project,
and my personal project will be, from now until at least
the New Year, to make how-to videos and post them, at least
once a week. So here is a really quick video I shot last week
and threw together a few days ago. I intend to make a more
thorough lino making video soon. And a cookie video. And
OH the goodies I have in store for you, my friends...

In the mean time, this past Saturday was the Christmas Craft Fair
at the South End Hall. I made gift tags, organic cat toys, cards, and
cookies! Chocolate Pretzels, Gingersnaps, gingerbread (not the kind I made but looks great), and cranberry-
blueberry shortbreads - yum yum. It was a very successful day, and at the
end I did a bunch of bartering with other booths.
Might have got a few Christmas presents..!!!

Anyways, here are some holiday-esque pictures, followed by my How To Lino Print...

Goodnight Everyone!

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