Sunday, June 26, 2011

more modern stuff

I'm not going to say exactly when I wrote these poems, but sometime between 2010-present.

where is that girl?
the one who wends
and weaves with words
it is absurd that
i do not know her now.
she has become
the other side of the mirror
                                       (that mirrored woman mocks me).

how dare she look so wise,
so young.
which one of me
am I?
how can she know
what i have forgotten?
She who is so brave
how can she show
what was coming?

Honest Words

writing with twisted wrists
wringing wrists together
try to rub a nickle and dime
fall down the consumer ladder.

writing twisted truths with wit
witty truths from twisted wrists
writing truths from whispered lips
writing honest through twisted quips.

the end.

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