Sunday, January 30, 2011

Vote for Jerry Byrne

If I lived in St. John's East Federal District...I'd vote for Jerry Byrne!
Of the people in the video, he seems the most..human...
So for now, all you political party people, here is a some background info about his business history, siphoned directly from the Internet.
I will have more on this in some later post....

He recently retired this year, but this info is from the Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters (Alberta Division) site....

"Jerry Byrne is President and CEO of the D.F. Barnes Group, an international metal fabrication, manufacturing and services contractor.  A graduate of Memorial University’s Faculty of Engineering, Jerry has more than 25 years of experience building companies from the ground up, both locally and internationally.  He is a recognized entrepreneur with a strong technical and management background who understands the importance of cash flow.  Jerry has established several successful Newfoundland companies, including SEA Systems Limited and its affiliates, Glamox Canada Limited, Navalco Canada Limited, and Cantech Systems Limited.  He launched several successful companies in the United States, where he lived for a number of years before returning to Newfoundland and Labrador in 2002.  Jerry’s experience comes from years of decision making in the areas of budgeting, materials selection, sub-contracting, joint ventures and strategic alliance formation, operations and best practices.
Today, as President and CEO of the D.F. Barnes Group, Jerry plays a key role in the company’s business development.  Under his leadership, the company has grown from 10 to more than 500 people and revenues have increased by more than 6,000 percent.  Jerry is also a well-recognized figure in the local business community.   He is the immediate Past Chair of the Newfoundland Ocean Industries Association (NOIA) and current Chair of the NOIA 2008 Conference.  Jerry also sits on the Board of Directors for Canadian Imperial Venture Corporation and the Genesis Group".

"....I feel as if it is time for me to get myself aware of Canadian politics. Whether or not I like it, shit is happening, and I want to know who's "running" this country -  or at least being my voice. And I want that person to want to be my voice, our voices..not just their voice(voice..what a strange word)! We don't have much control on a whole, us, the common person..because we are not aware how much power we could have - and what a positive kind of power! So eff all this shiz. I want to be engaged by the future, not afraid of it". - moi

And one last note, my computer is fixed and en route back to me, which means a lot to feels a little bit like someone has taken part of my brain. but i will have it back, and have all the bits and pieces needed to finish all these post drafts.

Even though life is great,
I wish I could be this woman for a day.

I feel like this today.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Fog City Thursdays

sure is foggy out there.
when you walk, the air encapsulates you...
feel it in your lungs
and in between your fingers.
the skin above my lip feels wetter
but my nose is not running
and it is very quiet
out there in the mists.
my breath disappears into the
becomes whole again.
goodbye, sweet breath!

i like the way the fog makes me feel like i am
and i am reluctant to leave the house.
out there i am someone
but like my breath
i feel whole somehow.

that's the mood of the day.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Free-Range Easter Egg Hunt!

I've decided that while not a profitable activity, the BEST
thing about free-range chickens is hunting for the eggs. 
Now, most people I'm sure have a very regular method for collecting
their free-range eggs, but this place is much more fun..well, I guess really
this is pretty typical..but the chickens lay their eggs in several different places.
This left me feeling very tickled and I skipped around the yard, hunted for eggs, peeped under porches and in little boxes.
People like finding things in boxes.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Cute Animals!!

deer in the night.

this bed is juusst right.
is this a puppy or headless fright??
hey! three is is company..
oh yeah? we'll see...
can't catch me!

Molly :)

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Making a Difference and the Meaning of Support

So many of us want to make a difference. It has been proven that we feel good about ourselves when we help or doing something good for others. Many people do this in small but important ways. Sometimes this is giving someone a ride, or listening to someone's story, sharing a sandwich, nurturing them when they are sick..but sometimes these things go unnoticed, even by those who are doing the good deeds!!!

We watched Deborah Scranton's TED Talk about her new documentary,
The War Tapes (YOU GOTTA SEE IT!) .
At the end of it, she mentions how people tell her that they
"Don't support the War, but they support the Soldiers"..and she asks, what does this mean?

If you say you support something, truly reflect on what you have done to offer your support.I'm not just talking about soldiers, but friends, organizations, movements, family...what are you doing to support them? What can you do to support them? How can you provide support when there is hardly enough time to support ourselves?

I don't really have the answers. But I figured, I could at least get people thinking about this, and provide some small examples and bases to jump from on their own. I'm not saying that you or I or anyone should run out and start volunteering all their free time or fly to Africa to build latrines, although those are just fine and dandy if you feel that's the path for you.

But consider this...Think Globally, Act Locally.

When making decisions, big or small in our personal lives, we need to consider the global community, and our impact on the rest of the world - not just the people, but the cultures, creatures, and environment. One small example to illustrate this point is this.....
You want to be green and environmental so you buy organic food. This is not a bad thing, however, that organic fruit (let's say, a kiwi or banana) had to be shipped some halfway across the globe or country to get to you, the consumer. So the neutrality of the buying organic is offset by the fuel needed to get this product to you...
Buying local produce not only boosts your local economy (something good!), but almost no fuel/energy has gone into getting it to your table (especially if you walk, bike, or take public transit). Another note, in my personal opinion, anyone you come upon who is passionate enough to sell their vegetables to the local public is doing their best to offer a healthy, delicious product. Just because something doesn't have a label or was homemade does not mean it is unsafe or whatever (this musing has inspired me to post later on how to get access to your communities fruits, nuts, and vegetables).

But before I get off track.
How to make a difference? I don't have the answers, but I can tell you this - the Internet is a powerful and cooperative tool when wielded properly. If you want to support something - don't be shy! Talk to people about it, make a blog, be brave and write something for an online magazine or newspaper. Support online competitions or fundraisers that will benefit people you know or organizations you like. A lot of times this is as simple as providing your email address and clicking on a Vote! button. Email politicians with your ideas and speak up for things you care about. If you find something cool, share it. Share your ideas with others, however.
Or, if you prefer a more face-to-face approach, have fun!
Organize a clothing swap with your friends and donate the rest to charity - not just the Salvation Army, but look up shelters and halfway homes and for organizations in your area that distribute clothing to the homeless. There are so many people out there who want your help, and again, the Internet is a great way to find and communicate with those people.
Donate to local food drives - organize them at your schools, campuses, work places..organize and put a few boxes in places where people can drop off non-perishable items, or donate money (we've all seen them on business counters).
Know a cool kid who could use a few dollars to go to university? Organize a party and donate the proceedings. Have a raffle. Bingo night, whatever :P
While I am  down for sending supplies and money overseas, in our countries people and children are starving and ill from common, treatable things. We have poor living conditions in every city and town. So why not see if there are any organizations who put together backpacks for impoverished kids to take home on weekends full of food so that they can eat well ALL week (as many schools already have programs in place or SHOULD have programs in place that give kids access to at least lunch, promising them at least one meal a day. Or to people living on the streets or in housing.
If you do something you love, share it. Advertise and find others like you to share this love with, or teach people. You don't have to be a teacher or have a formal liscense to teach your friends how to knit, or cook, or garden, or can/pickle, hula hoop - you name it!
Get in on community clean-ups or start one. Try doing just your street, or a local park to get started...
Buy or make a compost bin.

So. Wow. Those are just a few ideas to get those brains percolating. Annnnd, just to give you a hand, I am posting a lot of links to different, wonderful people and Things you can support!

GO HERE to see how you can help a talented musician get into the Guitar Institute in the UK!

CLICK HERE to help send an amazing couple with a great story win a Dream Wedding in Mexico, which will also be their first family vacation!!!

Pepsi is giving away a MILLION dollars to whichever ideas (in Canada) get the most votes. I am supporting several causes, including Cat's Cradle in the 10k catergory :)

SPCA International 
British Columbia SPCA 
Ontario SPCA 
Links to Canadian Humane Societies - SPCA's, dog-friendly hotels.. 
no kill, now! 
List of Animal Sanctuaries and Wildlife Preserves 

Convenant House - Opening Doors for Homeless Youth
Stand Up for Kids - Helping Homeless Youth
Children's Hope Foundation
Canadian Feed The Children
UNICEF canada
UNICEF international 
Amnest International - Human Rights! 
Donate your old computers! 
Salvation Army International 
Share Our Strength - everything you need to know about food drives, how to organize one.. 
Oxfam International 
National Council of Women's Organizations 
List of Women's Organizations 
List of Men's Organizations 

GreenPeace...Mr. SplashyPants! 
Gigantic, HUGE list of Environmental Organizations for All-Over the World
ROOTS and SHOOTS - Jane Goodall's Foundation, lovviin' it!

fly forth, my seagulls of support!


TED Talks

First off,
We've been watching a LOT of TED talks. What are TED talks? They are presentations/talks based around Technology, Entertainment, and Design, but all topics are covered, including Business, Global Issues, Environmental Issues, Inspiring are some links, but if you go here you will find the whole list of short, interesting talks. Click away!

Jane Goodall - what separates us from the apes
Using our practical wisdom - really liked this one
New Insights on Poverty
How to Survive a Nuclear Attack
Freakonomics - entertaining and very informative
Kiran Bedi - Chief of Police with a different view
Your Brain on Improv
How to Start a Movement - short and awesome
Al Gore, everyone!

Alright, that is first off.
A short second-off...tomorrow is a creative day. Expect some posts!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Third Time's a Charm

Ah, Winter...

This is our third winter on-Island. I can't believe it.
I also can't believe how far we have come, how much we have figured out.

Our first winter, we nearly froze, had very little water, no vehicle = hardly any social visits, and hardly any phone reception. We were also quite poor for we had very little work until February...watched a LOT. I mean, a serious assload of movies.
 LAST winter, we nearly froze, had lots of water, a vehicle, more friends and better location, and slightly better phone reception. Still no Internet. Also, we were quite poor, but managed to make rent and pay for gas. Watched not so many movies, and better ones..

But this year? Ring a ding ding, let me tell you.
Cozy and snug, almost too Much water, two vehicles, lots of friends and best location, skype phone AND Internet, lots of food in the house, freezer, and cupboards from months of diligence and hard work, and we both have work.

Wow. I am very proud of how much we've accomplished.
Life out here is difficult, but more physically difficult.
The problems are mostly straight-forward (ie...out of wood = chop more wood).
While there is much always to be done, I am also not so distracted, which brings me greater satisfaction from my personal interactions with my environment and community. My friends would agree, now is the time for rest and preparation.

I think this year I have learned to enjoy Winter.

Click on GALLERY (girl with her foot on an amp, playing guitar)
Use the ARROW on the RIGHT side of the screen (small, gray, round)
CLICK on BILLY SHEA - HARENA (middle column, 3rd from top)
If you don't time to WATCH, please just vote - sending Billy to the Guitar Institute in the UK would change his life!!
But honestly, it is a fantastic song. I listen to it at least 6 times a day.
To VOTE, enter your email address in the grey rectangle on the right of the video


Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Hello World.

This is a VERY important post.

A friend of mine, a dear friend, whom I have known
for nearly 10 years, has entered in a contest to win 1 of 4 scholarships/partial scholarships to the Guitar Institute (Guitar High Diploma) with the Institute of Modern Music in the UK.

Hi name?
His name, is Billy Shea.
And at guitar, he is masterful...
full of soul,
so rock n' roll!

And he needs your help!
Seriously! YOUR help. And yours. annnnd yours?
Why should you do this?
Why would you not want to help a fellow Newfoundlander, Canadian, Human accomplish one of their dreams? Why not, when doing one thing, that takes around 1 minute, could potentially change someone's life FOREVER?
i can not think of someone else who is more deserving of this.
Steve Vai, will hand-pick 4 people from the contestants who gain the most votes.
so there, we need to vote, EVERYDAY.

So...How to Help!
go to this website
go to the gallery (click on the girl with the amp)
go to PAGE 2 (small little button on the right)
click on Billy Shea - Harena

watch it, because it is fantastic,
then vote for him
on the right side of the screen.
you have to enter a valid email address.
do this everyday, please!!

Billy Shea - Harena(in the left column)
I'm so specific because, if you miss the video,
the left arrow doesn't show up until you go all the way to the end.
Also no way to quick link you directly to my video, so you have to do it this way!
(if i can change this i will update!)
((please let me know if you have any problems!!))

Thank you all so much.
I've been working on a big update, expect that tomorrow.
this took precedence.

                let's send Billy from Newfoundland

 To the UK!!!

                                               ORIGINAL MONEY!!!!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Introspection #1...singing kettles, cardboard box.

singing kettles or stinging nettles??
I am starting to keep an eye out for this tasty plant, even if it a bit early.
Mike got me a paderno kettle for Christmas. It sounds like a very
melodious train coming into the station...
the Tea Train is coming!
I am tickled every time I use it.
Plus it should last at least 25 years.
I highly recommend.

Two friends of mine have a Two year old, and they have introduced me to all kinds of awesome kids tv shows and videos, including Yo Gabba Gabba (this one's for Mom!) and this one video by Bob the Builder...Big Fish Little Fish Cardboard Box! It might become my morning energizer. It's that good. Reminds me of Cotton Eye Joe...

But back to what might be called the Meat of Christmas. It was swell! I was well-roasted by the end. Coming home every year, you don't get as much time as
you would like to really get to see how people are changing and while you know they should be different, you don't expect it. So I feel like the first few days of visiting usually involve re-negotiating your emotional boundaries with people and really standing by who you have become rather than falling back too much into who you were. Going home, you've got one foot stuck in the past. Not that that is necessarily a bad thing, for going home I had immense amounts of fun.
A good part of Christmas was re-solidifying friendships and catching up with people I haven't seen in YEARs.

Tomorrow I update with pictures of my voyage. A montage of images!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

long time no see, friends!

oh dear.
I don't know why, but I have been loathe to update.
I feel this is probably because I have so MUCH to update!
So, to start off, here a few of my favorite pictures from Christmas Holidays..

             Andrew Wrice, Maha, and the rest of their band. Kickin' !!

                                       Mike and Lorne's snowman!

 Cards from my Holiday Card Making Workshop with the kids!

   annnnnd that's all I got for now! Back to other things! Update later on tonight!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011