Saturday, January 22, 2011

Making a Difference and the Meaning of Support

So many of us want to make a difference. It has been proven that we feel good about ourselves when we help or doing something good for others. Many people do this in small but important ways. Sometimes this is giving someone a ride, or listening to someone's story, sharing a sandwich, nurturing them when they are sick..but sometimes these things go unnoticed, even by those who are doing the good deeds!!!

We watched Deborah Scranton's TED Talk about her new documentary,
The War Tapes (YOU GOTTA SEE IT!) .
At the end of it, she mentions how people tell her that they
"Don't support the War, but they support the Soldiers"..and she asks, what does this mean?

If you say you support something, truly reflect on what you have done to offer your support.I'm not just talking about soldiers, but friends, organizations, movements, family...what are you doing to support them? What can you do to support them? How can you provide support when there is hardly enough time to support ourselves?

I don't really have the answers. But I figured, I could at least get people thinking about this, and provide some small examples and bases to jump from on their own. I'm not saying that you or I or anyone should run out and start volunteering all their free time or fly to Africa to build latrines, although those are just fine and dandy if you feel that's the path for you.

But consider this...Think Globally, Act Locally.

When making decisions, big or small in our personal lives, we need to consider the global community, and our impact on the rest of the world - not just the people, but the cultures, creatures, and environment. One small example to illustrate this point is this.....
You want to be green and environmental so you buy organic food. This is not a bad thing, however, that organic fruit (let's say, a kiwi or banana) had to be shipped some halfway across the globe or country to get to you, the consumer. So the neutrality of the buying organic is offset by the fuel needed to get this product to you...
Buying local produce not only boosts your local economy (something good!), but almost no fuel/energy has gone into getting it to your table (especially if you walk, bike, or take public transit). Another note, in my personal opinion, anyone you come upon who is passionate enough to sell their vegetables to the local public is doing their best to offer a healthy, delicious product. Just because something doesn't have a label or was homemade does not mean it is unsafe or whatever (this musing has inspired me to post later on how to get access to your communities fruits, nuts, and vegetables).

But before I get off track.
How to make a difference? I don't have the answers, but I can tell you this - the Internet is a powerful and cooperative tool when wielded properly. If you want to support something - don't be shy! Talk to people about it, make a blog, be brave and write something for an online magazine or newspaper. Support online competitions or fundraisers that will benefit people you know or organizations you like. A lot of times this is as simple as providing your email address and clicking on a Vote! button. Email politicians with your ideas and speak up for things you care about. If you find something cool, share it. Share your ideas with others, however.
Or, if you prefer a more face-to-face approach, have fun!
Organize a clothing swap with your friends and donate the rest to charity - not just the Salvation Army, but look up shelters and halfway homes and for organizations in your area that distribute clothing to the homeless. There are so many people out there who want your help, and again, the Internet is a great way to find and communicate with those people.
Donate to local food drives - organize them at your schools, campuses, work places..organize and put a few boxes in places where people can drop off non-perishable items, or donate money (we've all seen them on business counters).
Know a cool kid who could use a few dollars to go to university? Organize a party and donate the proceedings. Have a raffle. Bingo night, whatever :P
While I am  down for sending supplies and money overseas, in our countries people and children are starving and ill from common, treatable things. We have poor living conditions in every city and town. So why not see if there are any organizations who put together backpacks for impoverished kids to take home on weekends full of food so that they can eat well ALL week (as many schools already have programs in place or SHOULD have programs in place that give kids access to at least lunch, promising them at least one meal a day. Or to people living on the streets or in housing.
If you do something you love, share it. Advertise and find others like you to share this love with, or teach people. You don't have to be a teacher or have a formal liscense to teach your friends how to knit, or cook, or garden, or can/pickle, hula hoop - you name it!
Get in on community clean-ups or start one. Try doing just your street, or a local park to get started...
Buy or make a compost bin.

So. Wow. Those are just a few ideas to get those brains percolating. Annnnd, just to give you a hand, I am posting a lot of links to different, wonderful people and Things you can support!

GO HERE to see how you can help a talented musician get into the Guitar Institute in the UK!

CLICK HERE to help send an amazing couple with a great story win a Dream Wedding in Mexico, which will also be their first family vacation!!!

Pepsi is giving away a MILLION dollars to whichever ideas (in Canada) get the most votes. I am supporting several causes, including Cat's Cradle in the 10k catergory :)

SPCA International 
British Columbia SPCA 
Ontario SPCA 
Links to Canadian Humane Societies - SPCA's, dog-friendly hotels.. 
no kill, now! 
List of Animal Sanctuaries and Wildlife Preserves 

Convenant House - Opening Doors for Homeless Youth
Stand Up for Kids - Helping Homeless Youth
Children's Hope Foundation
Canadian Feed The Children
UNICEF canada
UNICEF international 
Amnest International - Human Rights! 
Donate your old computers! 
Salvation Army International 
Share Our Strength - everything you need to know about food drives, how to organize one.. 
Oxfam International 
National Council of Women's Organizations 
List of Women's Organizations 
List of Men's Organizations 

GreenPeace...Mr. SplashyPants! 
Gigantic, HUGE list of Environmental Organizations for All-Over the World
ROOTS and SHOOTS - Jane Goodall's Foundation, lovviin' it!

fly forth, my seagulls of support!


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