Monday, November 22, 2010

Crafty or Crazy?

First of all, I finally did it.
I have been wanting one for years
but kept coming up with reasons to justify
NOT getting it.
But I finally ran out of reasons,
and with a cold winter approaching,
it just had to be done.

I got myself a mandolin.
It's tuned like a violin but played like a guitar.
I've been tearing it up -

so happy.
So so happy.

This weekend I have my Father coming, which will be fun.
I also am teaching a doll-making workshop on Sunday,
and SATURDAY is the Lion's Hall Christmas Craft Fair.
Gotta finish my knitting, my prints, do so much baking...
I love it so much but I don't know if this makes me Crafty or Crazy...
so much to do!

Wish there were three of me.
But there can only be ONE Kathryn.!!!

On a different note..
All of this TSA shit in the States upsets me,
and I use "upset" as an understatement and blanket-term
for all the emotions I have felt from researching this.
And not just the pat-down, the amount of radiation in the scanners,
the theft of civil and personal rights.....just google it.
How about the scans that have been illegally kept?
Get out there and DO something about it, US Citizens!
Maybe if you guys start waking up and getting angry,
Canadians will do the same,
as we don't like to be outdone by our Southern Cousins :P
ha. well, to be honest,
We all need to wake up!
There is a lot going on, folks.

Buuuut on a happier note, here is a picture of Molly, nipping out on the catnip I grew...
and a deer video!

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